What's your Human Design?

Enter your details below to discover your unique chart and start learning about your individual gifts, strengths and purpose.

The Personalised Reading

Are you called to deeply dive into your Human Design? Or perhaps you’re curious to explore what your own Human Design is all about?

The Personalised Reading is what I like to call a ‘forever reading’, this is because you will return to its information time and time again.

When it comes to Human Design, the core of you does not change. Yes, we can be influenced by cosmic energies or the energies of those around us, but knowing who you are in the midst of all of this is the key.

You will find at different phases in your life, different gifts are triggered or called out and this reading is here to serve you through every trial and expand you through every triumph.

This is what makes this reading a timeless support you can return to, again and again.

Sign Up to the HD Transit Emails!

Join the mailing list for your Human Design energy transit email covering each week’s gate, the transformation it brings and how to best work with this energy.

Hi, I'm Abbey Rae!

A 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator.

Human Design arrived into my life more than four years ago and pretty much knocked my socks off. I couldn’t believe how specific and accurate a chart could articulate my inner world. Like many others, I needed to know more and really dive in (hello, gate 48!)

Quite honestly, I never thought I’d end up creating a business based on Human Design, it almost happened organically. But, nothing has ever expanded me more on a personal, professional and physical level.

It became everything, I didn’t know I was looking for.

Here’s to celebrating your magic and paying it forward 💛