Human Design is the blueprint of your soul.

And anyone who has received those a-ha moments and power shifts of connecting to their own charts, often feel that call to dive deeper, to understand more about themselves and those in the world around them. If you’re finding yourself here the chances are you’re ready to infuse this powerful modality into your life, in a much bigger way.

My clients who thrive inside Expansion all have one thing in common: they're obsessed with Human Design. Why? Because I believe that anyone deeply intrigued by this modality has a purpose in sharing the magic of this tool.

Here’s FIVE major signs you’re a communicator of Human Design and beyond ready to take your understanding to the next level:

1. You have a folder of generated charts on your desktop or in your phone, that you’ve been trying to decode. ✅

2. Your instagram algorithm is like Human Design HQ and you’re constantly interacting with posts + going down rabbit holes that blow you away. ✅

3. You’re starting to see life through the lens of Human Design and you’re seeing friends/relatives/clients and people around you struggle in their shadows, purely because they’re avoiding their gifts. ✅

4. People are starting to ask you questions about themselves, about your own expansion and craving your guidance. ✅

5. You’ve asked yourself the same question I did ‘why doesn’t everyone know this information?’ ✅

Perhaps you’ve been self-studying Human Design for a while now and trying to share it as best you can, but it feels like even with a stack of notes coupled with those saved Instagram posts - you’re feeling more confused than when you started.

Or maybe you understand Human Design at a textbook level, but you're looking for a program to bridge the gap and help you fully integrate it into your own life, the lives of your loved ones and even apply to your existing business, to deepen your understanding of your clients.

Knowing my own design has revealed;

My purpose, unlocked my inner abundance that lay dormant + led me to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

About 7 years ago when I first discovered Human Design and it deeply awakened my own power, my inner world whispered "why doesn't everyone know this information?" and it's been my why ever since.

Human Design has the power to infiltrate + empower every aspect of life whether that be; business, relationships, health + well-being, because there is a common denominator in all of these parts of life - ourselves.

When we know the role we’re here to play and how to play it, we build the courage + confidence to materialise the visions we deeply yearn for.

This tool is the key to elevating any and all growth programmes out there.

I’ve worked with thousands of clients and something that I always observe in a session is how it brings a glimmer + sparkle to their eyes, as if their soul is waking up and remembering it’s innate magic. I know this look and feeling so well, because I felt it too. This awakening is never isolated to one area of their lives, they use it to expand their businesses + relationships too. If you’re working in a coaching/service-based business and not utilising the tool of HD you’re leaving money on the table.

By the end of this programme you will have:

  • Gained the confidence to deliver life-changing readings and articulate them in a way that makes your clients feel seen and validated for who they truly are.

  • Enhanced the transformational work you do by combining it with Human Design. This empowers you to deepen your understanding of your clients' shadows/wounds, unlock their natural gifts, so you can guide in a way that’s specific to them.

  • *Finally* clarified your understanding of all energy types, authorities, life profiles, centres, gates, and planets because now you’re no longer trying to piece information from different resources together.

  • Become the go-to person for #allthings Human Design, whether within your family, friend group, or even your workplace. (No more saying “let me get back to you on what that means” because now you’re an expert in your own right.)

Your investment in yourself + this gift to the world: $999

Here's what you will learn in this self-paced space:


How their auras work - to communicate how your clients can flow with their natural energy, rather than against it - creating more ease + magnetism in their lives.

Their strengths + challenges - to unravel core, limiting wounds, allowing more self-belief, inner understanding and compassion

Their collective purpose & their strategies to achieve inner ease - because the practicality of applying our Human Design is where we go to the next level.


How to make aligned decisions - to empower a deep sense of self-trust and release the “shoulds” of the world.

How they drop the conditioning and tune into the inner GPS - guide to practical ways of setting boundaries + pursuing personal direction.


(this is where it gets really juicy!)

The life profiles - know how your clients best take in information, the path they're here to take + how you, their guide support that. 

The defined centres - understand their natural power + presence and how they can use it in their; business, relationships + day-to-day life.

The undefined centres -  to get an internal perspective on their vulnerability and the ways you can support this + empower them to transmute it into intuition.

• The gates - where we get really specific and differentiated, understand the 64 highly unique gifts, how they are used in life and the contribution they make to purpose. Imagine being able to amplify and work with your clients specific gifts, to help polish them up + show them exactly where life is calling for their magic.

++PLUS in-depth explorations of; 

The planetary influences, the channels, definitions, overview of the arrows and my tools for putting this all together to facilitate a reading.


  • 'Activate your Magnetism' Masterclass

    $66 value

    An online business specific masterclass on how you can use your own Human Design to expand your own business, become more magnetic + attract dream clients.

  • 'Portals of Power', E-book on all 64 gates

    $64 value

    Although we explore the gates in depth during the video content of this course, this is your on-hand ebook to support your learning.

  • Children’s Energy Type E-books

    $111 value

    Translate the understanding of HD to the lens of children too, these ebooks provide more context to how specific energies show up in children. A powerful compliment if you have your own children or work with children.

PLUS: Even though Human Design is my expertise, I’ll always be a student because life is constantly teaching me and refining my work which also means that access to Expansion means forever updates.

Welcome To Expansion

Click 'Play' to have a peek inside the course!

Your Investment

I can’t wait to see you step deeper into this Human Design journey!


  • Is this course for me?

    If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above + find yourself on this page in the first place, chances are this course is for you. I’d ask you to trust your own inner authority here, so if you’re emotional like me - come back tomorrow :)

  • What’s the investment?

    Your investment is $999 USD or $199 USD for 6 months.

  • Will I be able to understand and read a chart after watching the videos?

    Yes, everything you need to understand a Human Design chart is featured in this course, along with a how-to class when it comes to looking at the energies and blending them together to create a reading. In my previous line of work I was a teacher and along with my gate 23, my style in communicating this info is making it as digestible as possible.

  • Is this course only for people who want to become HD readers?

    No, funny story but when I started my own journey into Human Design I didn’t foresee or plan to become a reader, I was just excited by the knowledge and craved to learn more. As Human Design continues to expand we will see it show up in so many other industries because the world is starting to understand how much the individual matters + how allowing someone’s individual gifts shine, actually benefits all. This course is perfect for you if you just want to know more, currently have a business you wish to intertwine it in or want to start one!

  • Is this course live?

    No, this is a self-paced space and the potent videos were recorded during a live course.

Dive into Human Design

Course curriculum















    2. 1/3 LIFE PROFILE

    3. 1/4 LIFE PROFILE

    4. 2/4 LIFE PROFILE

    5. 2/5 LIFE PROFILE

    6. 3/5 LIFE PROFILE

    7. 3/6 LIFE PROFILE

    8. 4/1 LIFE PROFILE

    9. 4/6 LIFE PROFILE

    10. 5/1 LIFE PROFILE

    11. 5/2 LIFE PROFILE

    12. 6/2 LIFE PROFILE

    13. 6/3 LIFE PROFILE

    1. Introduction to the Centres



About this course

  • $999.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content