An in-depth look at your Generator child including:

Supporting their energy

Decision making authority, Learning style & Emotionality 

Communication style 

Building security, A lens on different life stages

Eating & sleeping habits

& digestion, sense and optimal environment.

Curious to incorporate Human Design into your care giving style?

Human Design is such a beautiful tool to encourage within our children because they naturally embody it (more so than us) Empowering them now, allows them to relinquish any conditioning, so they head out into the world as their most authentic, natural and powerful self. 

Hi, I'm Abbey Rae

And a huge part of my work through Human Design is this, empowering families to embrace all of their dynamics and encourage our children to be who they are. I have been a teacher for the last 10 years, working with children of all different cultures and nationalities around the world. So, I observed and learned their own processes and what worked and now I share all that magic with you!

”Children are not things to be moulded, rather people to be unfolded.”

This is the very reason I so passionately created the Children's E-books. I can't wait for you to dive in!